One such friendship is with Lisa French. We spend the summer of 2006 loading the kids in the joggers for morning excerise and then watching Jayden and Luke crawl around while we sipped coffee. By the end of the year we both joined a Womens Bible Study and since then she has become a source of Godly encouragement to me.
(Luke and Jayden crawling around at Kieran's 1st Birthday party)
By the fall of 2006 we were both pregnant with our 2nd children, and now as our days are crowded by the minutia of household tasks and the busyness of caring for 2 small children, I cherish our times together all the more.
(Lisa and I very pregnant with Zachary and Ryan)
This morning our home was blessed with a visit from Lisa and her two boys. I have enjoyed watching Jayden and Luke develop a friendship over the past 2 years and am excited to see our babies Zachary and Ryan grow up together as well.

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