About a month ago I invited my dear friend Aimee to join me in a Beth Moore Bible Study called "Stepping Up. a journey through the Psalms of Ascent." I hated being on 'summer vacation' from my regular Women's Bible Study through EV Free and had prayerfully decided to plop down some bux and buy the complete DVD study online (http://www.lifeway.com/) in hopes that someone I knew would get excited about doing it with me.
My mom joyfully 'signed up', but the few friends I mentioned it to seemed disinterested. And then Aimee called and voiced the same eagerness to be in a study that would force her to dig deep every day into God's Word, and move her to the next step in her relationship with the LORD.
So every Thursday from 9:30-11:30 we hunker down in my office to sip tea, and nibble on a quiche or other breakfast yummy while we share what we learned throughout the week or watch a video of Beth's on-fire and rich teaching. While we hang out, my neighbor and fabulous sitter, Unjalee, hangs out with Zachary and Taryn (Jayden has preschool).
This time together has become our absolute favorite hours of the week and is radically changing our hearts, minds and souls. We are amazed at how little we knew about these familiar Psalms (120-134) and their relevance to our pilgrimage as New Testament believers; and we are ecstatic to discover how God will change us through our time in His Word and with each other.
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