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Saturday, December 20, 2008

...we are acutely aware...

...that the last 2 installments on this blog seem to illuminate hypocrisy within our household.

How can we claim to be pursuing and advocating a self-sacrificing-Christmas/lifestyle for the blessing and Salvation of others in the midst of "adding more to our kingdom"?

This is a valid question; one that we ask ourselves.

And yet we go back to the fact that we laid our "plans" out prayerfully before the LORD; asking Him to completely halt them or move to complete them. And we've been amazed that the project has had a life of its own and are convinced that God can and has given us financial resources in order that we may employ people who need the money --invite them into our home and live out the Gospel in front of their eyes, pray for them and allow God's resources to flow from our hands into theirs.

We are also on our knees--- no, on our faces ----because we are blown away by God's Grace: His unmerited Grace that flowed from his very blood, saving us from our complete and utter depravity in order that we may stand before Him without fault or accusation; His daily Grace that enables and empowers us to do things far beyond our natural capabilities and inclinations so that we may use our mortal, simple lives to bring Him glory and honor; and His abundant temporal Grace that has blessed us in the natural realm of earthly matters, so that we are now called to abundantly provide for the blessing of our family, neighbors, community and world in order to make known the Gospel of God's Grace for sinners.

Matthew 22:37-39

Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment.

And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"

As we daily seek to KNOW God deeply and intimately through His word and the indwelling of His Holy Spirit, His specific will for our lives will take shape. And we anticipate a great invitation to take part in work and service that will bring the hope of the Gospel to people who are desperate for it.

We want to Love others. We want to give more of ourselves.

Sometimes we feel paralyzed to move into action because the needs are so great, or our schedules are so tight, or our kids are too young. But we commit to pray: that our hearts will be stirred up for the lost, the helpless, the hungry, the depressed, the injured, all those who need to know they have a Savior who has 1st loved them. And we commit to respond to whatever the LORD requires of our family.

Psalm 126:3

"The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."

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