Noun 1. snippet - a small piece of anything. snip, snipping. piece - a separate part of a whole
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Zachary is a Hungry Man
He is up by 5:00 a.m. and once his diaper has been freshened up he plods into the kitchen hunting for food.
Yesterday I had a crazy busy morning so I tried to sneak in a shower while Jayden and Zachary were cuddling on the couch drinking their morning cup of milk.
When I returned to check on them Jayden declared, "Look what Zach got for us!" It was an entire loaf of bread from the fridge (yes he can open it…and remove a gallon of milk) and he was simultaneously eating 2 slices.
Since then I have barricaded the kitchen with gates and I say that the "kitchen is closed".
I do feed my children, especially my little lad. And I really try to fill him up with a hearty breakfast so that when Marty is ready for his own he can eat peacefully without Zachary begging for crumbs in a pile of tears on the floor.
And yet I snapped this picture today. He had already devoured half a bagel with cream cheese, 2 eggs and a large OJ.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
...we had a family filled Christmas.
I am seriously behind on life…I've had "blogger's block" for a month now and have finally decided that posting new pictures is good enough…and it has still taken me 2 hours because I've been interrupted by a Zachary tantrum, a Jayden "it's not working" moment, and a gi-normous mess (Zachary broke into my bathroom and dumped the entire contents of my loose powder all over himself, the rugs, the cupboards, the counters)….just another day at the office.
The entire deGrassie clan arrived at our house on Christmas Eve.
We attended the evening service at our church, but were sure to get a seat in the back row in case an early exit was necessitated, which it was.
Uncle John was a tremendous help in entertaining and wearing out Jayden and Zachary. On Christmas morning he even helped them construct a fort of pillows and blankets.
Uncle Andrew provided the artistic entertainment and assisted Jayden with her first color-by-number.
Jayden received a number of ballet outfits and a new Disney Princess purse filled with makeup and clip on earrings.
Mima and Papa gave Zachary a remote controlled robot, which entertained all of us for a bit.
Much of our 3 day celebration involved lounging on the couch and eating See's chocolates.
Marty and I were on kitchen duty for all the meals – although Bucca di Beppo helped out with Christmas Eve dinner.
After the last deGrassie had vacated our home we attempted a quick clean up and welcomed Marty's parents for Christmas round 2. Unfortunately I didn't take very many photos (lots of video) due to feeling under the weather.
But we had a wonderful time with Grandma and Grandpa who were a tremendous help to me, and they gave Zach and Jayden some amazing gifts --- Grandma made Jayden a gorgeous Princess dress and gloves, and Zachary got an electric Trash truck (trash day is his favorite day of the week). And they both were hooked up with their very own inflatable bounce house—super cool!
My Backyard Sunrise