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Saturday, July 4, 2009

3rd of July tradition

Our beautifully warm and sunny day began with a visit from Uncle Andrew. He arrived in his "huge truck" (Zach's obsession) around 11:00 to play with his favorite niece and nephew and to share a meal with us all.Zach was eager to show off his 4 blue fingernails. He had to get in on the action as I festively painted and bedazzled Jayden's nails earlier that morning. Burying Uncle with pillows and Marty's clothes while he tried to rest was gobs of fun! ************************************************************************************Every year the city of Moorpark celebrates America's Independence with a huge 3rd of July fireworks show. Thousands of people descend upon Arroyo Vista Park with blankets, umbrellas, food, family and friends. There is face painting, live music, jumpers and rock climbing walls. But mostly it's an opportunity to spend a few lazy hours hanging out with dear friends and watching the sheer delight of our children as they run around with glee and glow sticks.
Just like last year, at 4:00 we met at the Dewey's and ventured on the mile and half walk with loaded wagons and strollers. But unlike last year we actually were able to stay until the 9:00 fireworks display (the kids were too young to hang last year) and it was totally worth it! Most of Zach's buddies joined us for the festivities. Morgan and Sophia Elder and Taryn Boian are his Thursday Bible Study Buddies.
And Charlotte Ward was his first playmate as a baby.

Jayden was in heaven playing with the "big" girls.

Marty spent a ton of time chasing Zachary on the playground -- He is quite the daring climber and requires constant supervision.

The entire day was a wonderful celebration of our freedom and our family. And it was an excellent distraction from my daily dose of contractions.....:)!!!!!

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