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Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Ups and Downs of a Day

As the
afternoon sun wanes in the sky the temperature drops to a perfect warm and we take our play outside.

And the other day the creative play involved an organized mess of toys that they called a train.

Together they jubilantly twitted and twirled around the yard, singing and dancing.

Moments Later…

Some sibling catastrophe occurred and the screaming began. Each earned a timeout on the stairs and together they melted into a pile of tears.

Thankfully I did not join them on the emotional ride and maintained my motherly cool (praise be to God....As my post-partum hormones cannot be predicted, Peace in the midst of chaos is a miraculous work of the Holy Spirit. Amen!).

Just another day

a noisy day

an emotional day

filled with fun

followed by fatigue

But I'm prayerfully confident that the fun will be remembered and all else forgotten.

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My Backyard Sunrise