Everywhere we go, the friends and family who sent us off to India with prayers and well-wishes ask, with eager expectation, "How was your trip?". Unfortunately our replies have been quips, or trite remarks like "It was crazy.", and we've left the inquisitive ears void of meaningful words.
This is because our thoughts are trapped in a traffic jam of mixed emotions, and two months later we still don't feel prepared to give an answer. Our hearts are still marinating in the sights, sounds, relationships, and heartbreaks we experienced.
Here's what we do know.
God appointed us to go, and confirmed this truth to us while we were there.
We became Trustees of the Literacy Mission Center and see immediate needs within the mission that our unique personalities and gifting can be used to ameliorate.
God's ways are not our ways. We went ready to act swiftly; God is telling us to slow down and wait for Him to purify His church.
The literacy work IS a good work! The Gospel is preached and received, and countless Hindu's are destroying their idols and worshiping God alone...and at great cost to themselves.
God wants us here in Moorpark, at least for now. We maintain open hearts and minds and are willing to do whatever work God may fashion for us. It is clear that my work is raising 3 little people and doing the very ordinary things involved in being a SAHM (today it is to graciously nurture them through the yucky flu! and to change the sheets
again with a smile!). Marty's work is to commit himself to excellence in the business world, sacrifice at home, and service within our church.
We hope to organize and upload our photos to share with you soon. Thanks for being patient with us and for continuing to support us in prayer. Marty and my Dad are booking flights today for a 1 week stay in Bangalore to do some administrative work with my Aunt Esther!
Here are a couple of videos to give you a taste of our time in India. This is such a small sampling...more to come.
A glimpse of Aunt Esther on the day we exited Bangalore and began the tour of the LMC churches.
Marty had the opportunity to assist Pastor Ashok with the baptisms in Palacode.
Many hours were spent in the car peering out the window at the sundry sights and sounds.
Countless hours spent in community prayer and intercession.
We had the opportunity to hear the needs of each congregation from the Pastors. Here Pastor John Ravi shares about Vellalapatty.
Here we are in Kotagiri at a believer's home where the children from Gideon's Sunday School have come to meet us.
This clip is outside a believer's home in Paradarami where literacy classes take place. We went to meet the ill husband we had prayed for at the worship service. Marty is passing out candy to win the affection of the local children.