(2006 Fair visit -- 1, One year old child
and 1 stroller)
Marty grew up in Claremont just a stone's throw from the annual L.A County fair. And subsequently he has fond memories of hanging out there with mischievous friends and slingin' burgers in one of the hundreds of grease stands. So last summer he convinced me that going to the fair would be a fun family outing. Minus the 100 degree heat and my pregnancy induced nausea he was right and we had a great time with Jayden.

(Swarms of people lining up for a little Deep Fried Sin.)
and 1 stroller)
This year we made the hour drive again to witness our daughter's excitement over all things farm animals, and to spend a day with Uncle Mike. The weather was perfectly warm with an occasional cool breeze allowing us to delightfully inch our way through the mass of families and strollers to peer at every cow, horse, pig, bunny and chicken with glee.
(2007 Fair visit -one 23 month old, one 5 month old, 1 double stroller, 1 backpack, 1 Bjorn)
And of course part of the enjoyment of any Fair is indulging in a bit of gluttony. I managed to enact some self-control and shared an ear of corn with Jayden (it had been dipped in a vat of liquid butter however), while Marty and Mike ate some kind of BBQ sandwich monstrosity. Three hours later we were full and fun-ed-out. We definitely need 365 days before the mood to feast at the fair will strike again.
isaac can't wait to meet the gang. i can't believe how much your little ones have changed in the short time since i have seen you. they just get cuter and cuter!