Every Thursday morning at the Thousand Oaks mall dozens of women and their pint-sized tots gather for an hour of
sing-song mayhem. Today we met up with our friends Lisa, Luke and Ryan to participate in the entertainment. Jayden and Luke were both tentative at first to join in the song and dance, but soon enough they were meandering through the crowd and stomping their feet.

Lisa and I laughed at our toddlers while chating and holding our
squirmy babies. Then we headed to La Salsa for lunch. Jayden and Luke ran with glee to the resteraunt, yards ahead of our strollers. We managed to scarf down our food before Luke slipped on some water, hitting his little head and unleashing the typical toddler melt-down. We always enjoy our times together no matter the amount of time, the number of giggles or tantrums. Next week we will try the park though.
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