Yesterday we endured a 10 hour journey by car into Bangalore from Kotagiri.
The sights were diverse: A wild elephant, spotted deer, monkeys, motorcycles loaded with entire families (including newborn babies with only their mother's arms to shield from oncoming traffic), intense noise from honking horns and diesel engines, heart-wrenching crippling and poverty. And then our eyes are startled by God's creation: majestic rocky mountains above lush fields of green life.
India is a place of contrast, juxtaposition, the old and the new mingling; each oddly unaware of the other.
Our visits with the Literacy centers/Churches have ended and now our hearts and minds are beginning to process all that the LORD has done.
Each day we had a very limited general idea of what was expected of us. So very often we were called on to do something (pray, speak, preach, eat, sit) that took us off-gaurd and out of the fortress of our American comforts.
And these are the moments in which the Holy Spirit has changed us...our hearts are soft clay and he is shaping in us a newness so we may be useful tools in His able hands.
Here is a collection of photos from our travels. They are in random order due to time constraints :)
Outside a Believer's home in Kotagiri.
Oh the joyful joy that makes our hearts sing hallelujahs to our King!