Most mornings my children arise before the dawn. I sit huddled in the office sipping coffee and enjoying a quiet moment with God and his Word (and Gmail and my
fav blogs of course). Then I hear the small thud of feet marching downstairs and I know my day has officially begun. Today, however, the sun was able to shine and the hands on the clock ticked all the way to 7:00 a.m before the creatures stirred out of bed. A small miracle. The big miracle is that I slept in too!

The reason for our exhaustion was a most delightful evening with friends. We dined
alfresco while
Jayden and Clara giggled and pranced tirelessly around the house; Zachary and Chloe followed in earnest pursuit.

We have only a few opportunities each year to be with
Ted, Katrina, and their girls because they live so far away. (Last year they moved from Holland to Annapolis so at least they are back in the States!) The countdown begins again until the next time we can gather for food and friendship.

Clara's and
Jayden's first
playdate...December 2005
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